As part of a European consortium, Viewpointsystem has been granted funding from the European Defence Fund (EDF) for the research project “Advanced Biometrics In Training and Simulation” (ABITS). The research project will receive €2.23 million in funding, of which Viewpointsystem will be allocated approximately €580.000.
Vienna, 9th of August 2022. With the European Defence Fund, the EU is investing for the first time in industrial, pan-European cooperation projects in the defence sector. A total of €1.2 billion will be assigned to 61 research & development projects. The selected companies and consortia will use EU funding to research and develop the next generation of innovative defence technologies, including high-end large-scale defence equipment, military clouds, AI, semiconductors, quantum technology, new materials, cyberspace or medical countermeasures. 43% of the companies involved in the selected projects are SMEs.
The ABITS research project by Viewpointsystem (Austria), Guardiaris (Slovenia) and Smartex (Italy) will develop a data-driven tactical indoor training solution. Based on non-invasive physiological sensors, the trainee’s psychophysical state will be determined and integrated into the training simulation circuit. The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Ministries of Defence of Austria, Slovenia, and Denmark.
“We are honored to be part of this pan-European collaboration, and proud to contribute to technological innovation in the defence sector with our eye tracking technology,” said Nils Berger, CEO and founder of Viewpointsystem. “With the granted funding, we will expand our system and invest in data compatibility, with the goal of obtaining an all-encompassing picture of the trainees’ psychophysical state.”
Viewpointsystem will use the eye tracking smart glasses “VPS 19” for the project. The captured eye data is combined with biometric data from other sensors and provides important insights into, for example, the trainee’s attention, stress and cognitive load. Guardiaris, which specializes in customized training solutions for the defence industry, is developing the training environment using patented laserless LED technology and a realistic environment simulation. Smartex will use smart textiles, which incorporate sensors, to determine additional biometric data and incorporate it into the training circuit.
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