Remote Support around the globe

The top manufacturer and innovator in the EPS granules sector, optimizes its customer service in Eu-rope and overseas with VPS 19 smart glasses. “Put them on, switch them on and the system works without much explanation. This is exactly what our customers want and expect,” confirms Norbert Karner, Product Manager at sunpor. “If our customers are processing new materials, we provide them with VPS 19 smart glasses and can offer them a monitored test run,” explains Norbert Karner. “The experts at our headquarters in St. Pölten follow the processing live on the screen. Together with the customer, they view the sample parts and adjust the machine parameters to the best settings.”
Some 230,000 tons of EPS leave sunpor’s factories every year. Customers around the globe further pro-cess the high-quality material, which consists of 98% air. It is used as a resource-saving insulating material in the construction industry as well as lightweight but impact-resistant packaging for valuable goods or in safe sports helmets.
“As a premium supplier, we also offer our customers premium service,” says Norbert Karner.
The advantages of the VPS 19 smart glasses for sunpor
Optimization of customer service: sunpor’s technical experts are available to customers worldwide and within the shortest possible time via remote support.
VPS 19 smart glasses are pre-configured for remote support, ready to use and easy to operate.
The customer’s employee has both hands free during streaming and can go about their work in the usual way. Communication in a noisy machine environment is possible without any problems.
Reduced travel not only saves time and travel costs, but also CO2 emissions. This fits in with sunpor’s commitment to environmental sustainability.