IMPROVING CUSTOMER SERVICE WITH THE VPS 19 SMART GLASSES As a hidden champion, Hanseatic Power Solutions (HPS) in Norderstedt just …
IMPROVING CUSTOMER SERVICE WITH THE VPS 19 SMART GLASSES As a hidden champion, Hanseatic Power Solutions (HPS) in Norderstedt just …
Eye Hyper-Tracking is the root of what we do. Some of you may know eye tracking, but Eye Hyper-Tracking can …
One of the major future challenges with augmented and mixed reality is: you are offered nearly unlimited data, but how …
Von Nils Berger, CEO and owner Viewpointsystem As computers become more ubiquitous and intelligent than even the most enthusiastic science fiction …
Von Nils Berger, veröffentlicht in e-media, Ausgabe April 2019, vollständiger Artikel hier Bei Datenbrillen liegen Euphorie und Enttäuschung aktuell noch nah beieinander. …
Presseinformation CES Innovation Honoree Award für die VPS 19 Smart Glasses: Die neue „VPS 19“ ist die erste Datenbrille, die Eye …
By Renate Stiegler Seeing something does not mean that we automatically also really take it in – and react appropriately. …
By Renate Stiegler At our company we analyse human viewing behaviour on a daily basis. So we thought it was …
Among tech influencers, disillusionment has been felt in recent weeks. Because once again a new MR product has not fulfilled the high, …
By Sven Hugo Joosten Nowhere do personnel moves have to be as smooth and well-executed as in operations to secure …