Von Nils Berger, CEO and owner Viewpointsystem As computers become more ubiquitous and intelligent than even the most enthusiastic science fiction
Von Nils Berger, CEO and owner Viewpointsystem As computers become more ubiquitous and intelligent than even the most enthusiastic science fiction
Von Nils Berger, veröffentlicht in e-media, Ausgabe April 2019, vollständiger Artikel hier Bei Datenbrillen liegen Euphorie und Enttäuschung aktuell noch nah beieinander.
Presseinformation CES Innovation Honoree Award für die VPS 19 Smart Glasses: Die neue „VPS 19“ ist die erste Datenbrille, die Eye
By Renate Stiegler Seeing something does not mean that we automatically also really take it in – and react appropriately.
By Renate Stiegler At our company we analyse human viewing behaviour on a daily basis. So we thought it was
Among tech influencers, disillusionment has been felt in recent weeks. Because once again a new MR product has not fulfilled the high,
By Sven Hugo Joosten Nowhere do personnel moves have to be as smooth and well-executed as in operations to secure
By Sven Hugo Joosten Let’s start with a practical sample calculation: The machinery at a large bottling plant in the
No matter if you are in AR or VR or MR, in software or hardware, development or production, marketing or